Monday, March 12, 2012

Pokemon Cosplay: Ash, Misty, Brock and Team Rocket and Team Rocket

What do you think of their pokemon cosplay? It can be said that they are not the best cosplayers, but I can get that they are really a zealous fan of pokemon and cosplay. We could find that they are enjoying in what they are doing. And they are recognizable enough that we could pick out the character imitated by each of them easily. They are Ash, Misty, Brock and the Team Rocket Jessie and James.
They are in the corresponding cosplay costume, the wig and the other cosplay accessories. Everything necessary they have got for their show, I know that they are happy and enjoy it, which is enough, because to get enjoyment from our own cosplay is the most important thing.
More often than not, the fresh cosplayers are bothered with the character choice. As a matter of fact, we could portray any character as long as we like, and what we need to do is to get the favorite outfit the character wears and then put it on in all kinds of occasions.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Pokemon Dawn Cosplay Would Please You

Without doubt, pokemon dawn cosplay will please you the moment you start it. As a result of the heat of Pokemon, Dawn as one of the characters also grasps tons of people’s attention, Dawn cosplay forms its own style among the others. She has only played a role in the Diamond and Pearl seasons of the anime, but her appearance really attracts quite a few people to follow her.
When speaking of the characteristic of Dawn, she is a tough girl with kind of hasty, active and lovely, it seems that happiness and laughter is always come along with her, for which she could bring good mood and happiness to all the people who around her. As a fashion of expressing people’s love to the fictional characters in the anime, manga, video game, film and others media, as well as a way of expressing personality and values in the life, cosplay is really hot and a good pattern in today’s society. Therefore, by cosplaying Dawn, people could not only show their strong emotion of certain role, but also display their own lifestyle.
Begin your cosplay anytime and anywhere as long as you like on the condition that you will not bother others. At the same time, there isn’t any limitation to your Dawn cosplay, that is to say whoever is ok, just do it.

Pokemon Cosplay: Subway Boss Ingo

Yeah, it is an awesome pokemon Ingo cosplay! It can be said that this cosplay boy has done a fantastic job in portraying Ingo. He is the best I have ever seen. At first, he has the face of the imitated character including his body shape, and then he has got great cosplay costume for this cosplay together with the wig and other details.

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It looks like that there are not so many cosplayers are so interested in this pokemon cosplay (at least not like Red or Misty). Different people have different ideas. As for Pokemon Subway Boss Ingo, he made his first appearance in the game Pokemon Black and White. And he has twin brother Subway Boss Emmet.

As a matter of fact, this pokemon character is a good choice for those impersonators who is thin and not so big but also could display impressive cosplay in the show.
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