Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Pokémon Team Rocket James Cosplay

As for some of the cosplay boys, cosplay pokemon team rocket James becomes one of the hot choices among the other pokemon characters. James is the most awesome villain from pokémon in the heart of some of the boys who are just right keen on the feeling of the baddie. Cosplay James really could bring the cosplayers great fun.
Pokémon Team Rocket James Cosplay
 As one of the members of the Team Rocket, actually, there are three including the pokemon Meowth, James is such a boy who was in a rich family but hasn’t any freedom in his family, so he escapes from his forced marriage and then joins in the team for the sake of free life. However, he has to obey Jessie’s order all the way. Anyhow, the existence of James strengthens the attraction of the pokemon series, and it would be less interest without the image of James.
Pokémon James cosplay of course dose not fit some of the cosplay boys, some like it, some do otherwise. But we know that different people have different opinions and interest, and cosplay is such kind of activity that provides us with the opportunity to show our personal lifestyle and interest. Hence, if you love James, put on the cosplay costume and participate in the show, if not, try the other character you like.

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